Ubercart store inventory

Ubercart stores can use the Ubercart Stock (uc_stock) sub module provided by the Ubercart package<. By default the Ubercart stock module provides rules to alter stock levels. To set up inventory tracking first start by installing and configuring the module:

  • Enable the Stock module listed under Ubercart - Extra on the modules page.
  • For each product in the Ubercart store that you wish to track inventory:
    • Navigate to the product edit page and click the Stock local task item typically in the top right under the tabs.
    • Click the checkbox to the left of the product SKU to mark Inventory tracking as active for this product. Optionally set a Threshold value if you want to be notified when stock levels drop below it. Click the Save changes button.
    • Repeat for other products.
  • Navigate to Administration -> Shipwire -> Settings -> Ubercart. Enable the Update product stock levels option by checking the box and clicking the Save configuration button.
  • Navigate to Administration -> Shipwire -> Settings -> Cron & Cache and adjust the Inventory Tracking setting to suit the number of products in your store.
  • Navigate to Administration -> Reports -> Status and click on Run cron manually link. You may need to do this multiple times depending on the amount of products in the store and the Maximum number of products per inventory request setting. By default this is 200 products so if you have 560 products you will need to click the Run cron link three times.
  • Make sure Cron is configured to run at suitable intervals. We recommend running Cron every 15 minutes. See Cache and Cron settings< for more details.

Configuring Ubercart stock rules<

The power, and complexity, of Drupal stems from it's ability to be customized to your needs. By default the Ubercart Stock module does not activate any Rules that act on stock level changes. If you wish to restrict product sales to those that have available stock then Rules will need to be enabled.

Low order volume<

To improve the accuracy of stock levels we recommend processing orders and checking inventory immediately when payment is processed. This will slow down the checkout process as communication with Shipwire will occur twice during checkout, once to submit the order for fulfillment and once to update inventory, but it will ensure that accurate stock levels are maintained which is probably more important to a smaller store.

  • Navigate to Administration -> Shipwire-> Settings -> Ubercart. Under Order fulfillment method select the Immediately during checkout option and click the Save configuration button.
  • Navigate to Administration -> Shipwire -> Settings -> Cache & Cron. Under Inventory tracking increase Inventory frequency to 12 hours and click the Save configuration button.
  • Navigate to Administration -> Configuration -> Workflow -> Rules. Under Inactive rules click enable next to the rule named Shipwire Ubercart: Update inventory after order fulfilled.

High order volume sites<

To improve the speed of the checkout process order fulfillment and inventory updates will be executed outside the checkout process in batches. Inventory levels will be adjusted locally using Ubercart Stock rules and synchronized with Shipwire at set intervals.

  • Navigate to Admistration -> Shipwire -> Settings -> Ubercart. Under Order fulfillment method select the Batch submission on CRON run option and click the Save configuration button.
  • Navigate to Administration -> Shipwire -> Settings -> Cache & Cron. Under Inventory tracking increase Inventory frequency to 1 hours and click the Save configuration button.

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