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ADS Talent ROI Calculator

An online Return on Investement calculator, with instant graphical display of results, used to reinforce the value of services provided by ADS Talent. The calculator included simple to use, step by step, input of relevant data which is dynamically rendered using cross browser compatible JavaScript.

Xerox Content Submission Site

Xerox is building a new community of Premier Partners. These partners will have access to a web site that will allow them to communicate with other partners, refer print jobs and obtain valuable documents to aid them in the business.

eXtensible Hypertext (XHTML)

One of the most complex programming language names, eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language, turns out to be one of the simplest programming languages in which web pages are written. Coda's XHTML programming knowledge starts from the conception of the internet so we really know what we are doing.