
Coda Graphic Design prides itself on our multimedia capabilities. We excel in the production of quality print media design< such as flyers, brochures<, and catalogs using the latest printing technologies which can leverage information management< to include variable data. Coda's digital media design<, such as web sites< and flash applications<, provide added functionality that engages readers through greater use of personalized content display and two way communication. Coda also offers in house photography, digital audio editing, and digital video editing. If you want to launch a multimedia campaign then you've come to the right place.

Digital Media

Technological advances have greatly expanded the range of digital media and Coda has maintained a vigilant focus on emerging technology so that we can effectively utilize digital media to enhance communication between your company and your audience. Digital media is any kind of content that is created, edited, or viewed on an electronic device. Coda provides a one stop shop that seamlessly integrates multiple forms of digital media to maximizes your return on investment.

Print Media

Designing a printed piece takes more than just Graphic Design< knowledge. The tactile sense adds to visual experience so the correct choice of paper stock can influence the reader. The print quality also plays and important role and Coda knows how to properly design for the various printing methods to achieve the best print results.

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