Shipwire guide

This guide will hopefully provide you with all the information you need to connect your Drupal 7 site, using Commerce or Ubercart stores, with Shipwire shipping fulfillment service. Shipwire is a fantastic end to end solution that integrates: warehouse storage of products, pick and pack services, and optimized global shipping services. It removes the hassles and need for in house warehouse and shipping departments.

Setting up Shipwire accounts


Shipwire has two servers, Production and Test, which are used for real transactions or testing respectively. Each server requires an account to be created to use it. If you wish to test the Shipwire integration, which is recommened, then you should create both accounts.

Installing drupal Shipwire modules


Three modules currently exist to integrate drupal and shipwire. 'Shipwire API' which is always required and one of the following depeneding on the store module you are using: Shipwire Commerce or Shipwire Ubercart.

Shipwire module configuration


The drupal Shipwire API module provides a number of configuration pages that can greatly influence the use and performance of your site. It is important to understand how these setting operate and interact. 

Inventory tracking (optional)

Inventory tracking will enable your store to update stock levels from Shipwire warehouses. When the Drupal store knows how many products you have it can be customized to warn customers that stock may be back-ordered, stop customers from adding products to their cart when they are out of stock, and unpublish products when they are all sold. There are multiple modules for Ubercart and Commerce stores that provide this functionality.

Customizing Shipwire with Rules

The Rules modules provides an amazing amount of flexibility in configuring many aspects of the Drupal, Commerce, Ubercart and Shipwire modules. Complex logic can be expressed using rules to suit most business needs. The Shipwire modules currently support Rules with the following Events, Actions, and Conditions.

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