Commerce store inventory

Commerce store inventory tracking ingeration uses the Commerce Stock 7.x-1.x module<. By default Commerce stock provides rules to decrement inventory when checkout is completed and restricts customers from purchasing products that are out of stock.

  • Install the module to your site using the same instructions as in Installing required Shipwire modules<.
  • Enable all the sub modules which includes Commerce Simple Stock, Commerce Simple Stock Rules, Commerce Stock API, Commerce Stock Decimal formatter, and Commerce stock UI. 
  • Navigate to Administration -> Store -> Configuration -> Stock managment -> Simple stock Management. Enable stock management for all product types that are stored in shipwire warehouses.
  • Navigate to Administration -> Shipwire -> Settings -> Commerce. Enable the Update product stock levels option by checking the box and clicking the Save configuration button.
  • Navigate to Administration -> Shipwire -> Settings -> Cron & Cache and adjust the Inventory Tracking setting to suit the number of products in your store.
  • Make sure Cron is configured to run at suitable intervals. We recommend running Cron every 15 minutes. See Cache and Cron settings< for more details.

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