Misc Shipwire settings

The miscellaneous settings currently control information sharing and logging of information to aid in identifying problems. Most sites will not need to edit these settings unless advanced integration or problem resolution is required.

Share customer emails<

Shipwire provides a Delight option to notify your customers with shipment tracking information. Drupal 7 provides the Rules module which can provide more customized notifications operation logic and Tokens containing tailored customer information. If you wish to share your customer's email address with Shipwire and use their Delight notification tool then enable this setting. Otherwise use the Rules module to accomplish the same goals.

Data logging<

All data loggin will slow down your site and should only be used to identify problems. By default user aho have permission to edit shipwire account settings will sett on screen errro message to aid in debugging. These errors can also be saved as Watchdog error in the database for review.

Log errors<

Critical errors in implementing the Shipwire API will stop transaction execution. Enable this setting to tracking non critical errors.

Log XML requests<

When enabled this setting saves the API request sent to Shipwire. The request contains shipwire account information and so should only be used to identify problems in reuest structure.

Log XML responses<

Useful in identifying problems when XML request have been ruled out.  The responses do not contain sensitve data and can be safely logged.

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